External Quality Assessment (EQA) of laboratory equipment is required by the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme and is recommended for any practice with in-practice analysers.
In conjunction with the SRUC (Scotland's Rural College), Woodley Equipment are proud to introduce a 'true' External Assessment. InSight EQA is a certified independent External Quality Assessment scheme enabling you to provide the best possible patient care.
SRUC carries out academic and government funded not-for-profit business and is committed to excellence in the advancement, communication and translation of knowledge throughout the rural sector.
It leads on innovation and sustainable development in agriculture, land and the rural sector.
Profits from SRUC's commercial businesses, including External Quality Assessment are used by SRUC to support the not-for-profit businesses, such as SRUC's farming for a better climate which provides practical support to farms to reduce their impact on the climate and the animal behaviour and welfare team who work on understanding behavioural development and create methods of welfare assessment.
For further information on SRUC's activities visit www.sruc.ac.uk
InSight EQA offers monthly EQA programmes for biochemistry, endocrinology, blood gases, haematology, coagulation and urine chemistry. You choose which analytes you want to include in your assessment to suit your requirements. InSight EQA can cover analytes specific to companion animal or farm species and samples are designed to mimic the performance of a patient sample. InSight EQA provides an indication of your analyser’s accuracy and precision complementing your internal quality control.
A quick reference summary page providing and overview of your performance for each parameter.
Our reports are sent promptly to your QA Manager so that you can address any problems should they arise.
We send out certificates at the end of each yearly cycle if your return rate is over 50%.
If you would like more information please call +44 (0) 1204 695045 or email sales@quantumvetdiagnostics.com