Become a Distributor
Woodley Lab Diagnostics are Seeking Distributors Across Europe, Africa and the Middle East
As a distributor of Woodley Laboratory Diagnostics you will have rights to distribute the following products:
- QBC Europe Products
- QBC Star POC Haematology System
- QBC Autoread Plus POC Haematology System
- QBC ParaLens Advance Fluorescence Microscopy System
- QBC Malaria Diagnostic Kits
- Horizon Centrifuges
- Vision Microscopes
- Arkray Products (African market only)
- SpotChem EZ Clinical Chemistry System
- SpotChem EL Electrolyte Analyser
- PocketChem BA Blood Ammonia Analyser
Marketing SupportWoodley Lab Diagnostics distributors are given full support in the sales and marketing of their products including:
- Log in details to the "Distributor Support" section of the website which contains:
- Product images
- Product leaflets
- Product information sheets
- Ordering information
- Product manuals
- Demonstration videos
- Scientific papers
- Logos
- Product training documents
- Certificates and technical documents
- FAQ sheets
- User guides
- Application notes
- Free of charge product training sessions
- Sales and marketing presentation to edit for their clients
- Access to high resolution product leaflets for company branding
- Access to high resolution posters for company branding
- Discounted demonstration units
- Support at conferences/exhibitions
- Giveaways - pens, notebooks etc

If you wish to become a distributor for Woodley Laboratory Diagnostics please contact us at